Why am I not seeing my store?
We want to make sure we provide the best deals for our users. That's why we carefully review all the new brands and their promotions on a weekly basis. So, it might take a few days before your brand page is up and running for everyone to see.
We have some specific criteria we consider when showcasing brands on TrustDeals. We want to make sure we're pushing brands that align with our audience's interests and shopping preferences. It's like matching the right puzzle pieces, you know?
If, for any reason, your brand doesn't meet our criteria right away, don't worry! We're constantly fine-tuning things to bring the best deals to our users.
But hey, if you think we might have missed something or there's a hiccup in the process, hit us up at hello@trustdeals.com. We're all ears and ready to check things out for you.